R-Studio Network Edition v4.6 Build 127535

R-Studio позволяет восстанавливать файлы, как на локальных логических и физических жестких дисках, так и на дисках, расположенных на удаленных компьютерах через компьютерную сеть.
Восстановление возможно даже в случаях, когда разделы диска были повреждены или удалены, а также в случаях, когда диск был отформатирован, использовалась команда FDISK, был поврежден MBR, данные потеряны в результате атаки вирусов.

Standard "Windows Explorer" - style interface.
- Host OS: Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista.
- Data recovery over the Network. Files can be recovered on network computers running Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Macintosh, Linux and UNIX.
- Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32,NTFS, NTFS5 (created or updated by Win2000/XP/2003/Vista), HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) and Ext2FS/Ext3FS (Linux).
- Recognition and parsing Dynamic (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista), Basic(MBR) and BSD (UNIX) partitions layout schema and Apple partition map. Dynamic partitions over GPT are supported as well as dynamic partitions over MBR.
- Damaged RAID recovery. If OS cannot recognize your RAID, you can create a virtual RAID from its components. Such virtual RAID can be processed like a real one.
- Creates IMAGE FILES for an entire Hard Disk, Partition or its part. Such image files can be compressed and split into several files to put it on CD/DVD/Flash or FAT16/FAT32. Then the image files can be processed like regular disks.
Data recovery on damaged or deleted partitions, encrypted files (NTFS 5), alternative data streams (NTFS, NTFS 5).
- Recovering data if:
* FDISK or other disk utilities have been run;
* VIRUS has invaded; FAT is damaged; MBR is destroyed.
- Recognizes localized names.
- Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks accessible by the host operating system.
- File or disk content can be viewed and edited with the advanced hexadecimal editor. The editor supports NTFS file attribute editing.
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