Windows 7 Codec Pack 4.1.8

Windows 7 Codec Pack — новая версия одного из самых полных пакетов кодеков для просмотра видео в разнообразных форматах, а также прослушивания аудиозаписей. После установки вы сможете прослушивать или просматривать 99,9% файлов, находящихся на ПК и в Интернете. В состав Windows 7 Codec Pack входит множество известных кодеков, среди которых DivX, XviD, ffdshow, Flash Video Splitter и многие другие. Кроме этого, в него входит средство для чтения субтитров VSFilter и инструмент, предоставляющий информацию о кодеках GSpot Codec Information Appliance.

Package Overview:
- The Windows 7 Codec Pack supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files.
- The package is easy to install, while also offering advanced settings to the high end user:
- For simple installation select "Easy Installation".
- For advanced installation options select "Expert Installation".
Codec's Explained:
A codec is a piece of software on either a device or computer capable of encoding and/or decoding video and/or audio data from files, streams and broadcasts. The word Codec is a portmanteau of 'compressor-decompressor'
Compression types that you will be able to play include:
x265 | h.265 | HEVC | 10bit x264 | x264| h.264 | AVCHD | AVC | DivX | XviD | MP4 | MPEG4 | MPEG2 and many more.
File types you will be able to play include:
.bdmv | .evo | .hevc | .mkv | .avi | .flv | .webm | .mp4 | .ts | .m4v | .m4a | .ogm | .ac3 | .dts | .flac | .ape | .aac | .ogg | .ofr | .mpc | .3gp and many more.
Resolutions supported include:
All resolutions upto, and including SD (Standard Definition) 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, + HD (High Definition) 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 4k, and beyond.
By using RedFox AnyDVD HD with this Codec Pack users can play:
Protected Bluray, HD-DVD, AVCHD, DVD, CD discs.
Package Codec Components:
- ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec x86 version 1.3.4533 by Cole.
- ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec x86 version 1.3.4533 by Cole.
- LAV Video decoder 0.70.2 x86.
- LAV Video decoder 0.70.2 x64.
- XviD Video VFW (Encoder) Codec v1.3.4.
- x264 Video VFW (Encoder) Codec v44.2851.
- Lagarith Video VFW (Encoder) Codec v1.3.27 x86.
- LAV Audio Decoder 0.70.2 x86.
- LAV Audio Decoder 0.70.2 x64.
- Sony DSD Decoder 1.0.
- DivX Audio Decoder 4.1
- madFLAC Decoder 1.1.0 x86.
- DSP-worx Bass Source Mod Filter/Decoder v1.5.2.0.
- Haali Media Splitter/Decoder 16/09/11 x86 - For MP4, MKV, OGM and AVI files.
- Haali Media Splitter/Decoder 16/09/11 x64 - For MP4, MKV, OGM and AVI files.
- LAV Splitter 0.70.2 x86.
- LAV Splitter 0.70.2 x64.
- xy-VSFilter/DirectVobSub x86 - Subtitle Reader.
- xy-VSFilter/DirectVobSub x64 - Subtitle Reader.
- CDXA Reader v1.7.13 x86 - Also known as Form 2 Mode 2 CD or XCD.
- CDXA Reader v1.7.13 x64 - Also known as Form 2 Mode 2 CD or XCD.
- Icaros 3.0.0 x86 & x86.
- Icaros 3.0.0 x86 & x64.
- Application Tuning - Changes the default settings for Media Player Classic, NVIDIA 3D Vision Player, and Stereoscopic Player.
Package Utilities:
- Media Player Classic Home Cinema 1.7.13 x86 - Selectable by right clicking on any file.
- Disc Handler - For double click playback on BluRay disc icons in Windows Explorer.
- Codec Settings GUI - Allows the user to modify codec, graphics and sound settings.
- Codec Settings UAC (User Account Control) Manager - Copies settings between users.
- Update Checker - Checks for updates once every 7 days (Administrator only).
- Tray Menu - Gives easy access to codec utilities and allows fast audio profile switching.
Внимание! Приложение включает в себя дополнительное программное обеспечение, будьте внимательны при установке.
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При установке по умолчанию выдает ошибку "h" TrayMenu.exe