
The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a (patch 39)

Программа объединит ваш рабочий с различными на выбор симпатичными функциональными часами. The Ultimate Screen Clock соединяет в себе не только различные на любой вкус аналоговые и цифровые часы с гибкой системой настройки и оповещения, но и синхронизацию с атомными часами времени. Впрочем, вы можете и сами спроектировать свою модель часов или сделать свой скринсейвер с плавающими часами по экрану. Есть также секундомер с десятыми долями секунды, таймер обратного отсчета и отображение времени другого выбранного часового пояса.

The Ultimate Screen Clock will manage time on your system as few applications have managed it before or since. While this software has been certified as being incapable of actually violating any physical laws — or at the very worst, just fracturing a few of the complex ones only physicists understand — it will do things with time that would have been the stuff of myth a few short centuries ago.
Admittedly, a few short centuries ago there weren't a lot of computers around to run clock software.
The Ultimate Screen Clock will integrate an attractive graphic clock with your Windows desktop. You can configure the appearance of your clock, selecting from a library of digital and analog clock styles — or you can design your own.
One of the most powerful features of The Ultimate Screen Clock is its Net Time option. It can be configured to set your system clock to the accuracy of an atomic time standard by accessing one of its Internet-based time servers.
The Ultimate Screen Clock also includes a sophisticated reminder feature to notify you of important events.
You can use as many or as few of the features of The Ultimate Screen Clock as you wish. The software is easy to configure, and exceedingly flexible.
This software is available for electronic delivery and on CD-ROM.

Название: The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a (patch 39)
Операционная система: Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP and Vista.
Язык Интерфейса: English


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gromus 20 декабря 2009, 18:28:57

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