
Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.2.185

Mindjet MindManager

MindManager позволяет преобразовать ваши идеи, стратегические замыслы и деловую информацию в специальные карты, которые помогут вам или вашей организации работать более быстро, эффективно и слаженно. Программный пакет содержит удобные инструменты, которые упрощают организацию труда, распространение информации и администрирование и гарантируют повышение продуктивности сотрудников вашей организации и вас лично. Идеальный вариант для создания и анализа проектов любой сложности.

Mindjet MindManager 2012

Особенности программы:

  • Гибкие возможности создания карт
  • Интуитивно понятный интерфейс
  • Интеграция с пакетом Microsoft Office (экспорт и импорт данных)
  • Шаблоны с широкими возможностями настройки для автоматизации процесса создания карты
  • Возможность сохранения карт в виде растровых изображений, web-страниц, pdf-документов
  • Работа с несколькими картами
  • Создание и редактирование встроенных сценариев, отвечающих за поведение карт
  • И многое другое...

Вы сможете:

  • Анализировать и преобразовывать информацию из различных источников
  • Автоматизировать бизнес-процессы и принимать решения в максимально короткие сроки
  • Предоставлять информацию, а также назначать задания всем сотрудникам, вовлеченным в работу над проектом
Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.2.185

ОС: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

Что нового в MindManager 2012:

New and Improved Features
  • New Read Me map: For people who create new Connect accounts, when they first land in the application they will be presented with a Map that guides them through learning how to use basic mapping features. Once done they can either save it to share with colleagues later or not.
  • New ability to e-mail the account owner or administrator (business accounts) to easily ask for help with things like recovering deleted files and folders or discarding a checkout if another user has not checked a file back in that you need. To e-mail your account owner or administrator, simply click on their name in the Files/Folders access area and it prompts you to send an e-mail where you can enter your request for help.

Usability Improvements
  • When you previously unshared a folder with a user, their user name might still be listed as having access to it. We’ve fixed this issue such that the displayed folder’s list of users always accurately reflects its access permissions.
  • Changes to a user’s access role or access levels (e.g. changing a Member or Guest from "Read-only" to "Edit" or vice versa) are now displayed immediately. We have eliminated the sporadic delay some users experienced when making such changes.
  • We also fixed an issue where users’ names sometimes appeared multiple times in a file or folder’s access list. Now, a listed user name appears only once.
  • We repaired the ability to reset your password from the login page.
  • We eliminated an intermittent issue that changed the text font or color when typing in a topic on a map. Now, the text you add to a topic will maintain the topic’s text style.

Known Issues
  • NOTE: Some users may need to clear their browser cache in order for the new features and enhancements to take effect.
  • Mindjet Connect continues to support uploading files up to 64MB, a limit not previously documented. However, if you attempt to upload a file greater than 64MB, there is no error
  • message to inform you of the failed upload.
  • At times, users are unable to close “Get Started” map or switch to another Tab while this map is open. Reloading the webpage will enable the close the map.
  • Firefox 3.6 users on Mac OS X will find that the File>Export window is not displayed properly.
  • Safari users will need to click on the map in order to add a topic to it.

Что нового в версии 11.2:
  • Shows hyperlinks in Mindjet Files, and access files from the Open File dialog
  • Adds the ability to query Mindjet Tasks by start date
  • Improved display of name and e-mail information for Mindjet Tasks resources
  • On Gantt charts, use a red line to show the current date
  • Change the default search settings to search in the current map

In addition, there has been a huge amount of work done to dramatically improve both the quality and stability of the integration of Mindjet for Windows and the Mindjet web app.


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Bukkollaider 27/02/13 Просмотров: 2606