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JaSFtp 9.14

JaSFtp 9

JaSFtp это SFTP и FTP клиент разработанный для автоматизации рутинных и каждодневных задач по SFTP и FTP, которые могли быть автоматизированы расписанием и запускаться быстрее. Поддержка гибкой системы передачи множества файлов за раз. Поддержка рекурсивной передачи каталогов и подкаталогов. Возможность автоматически сохранять файлы, базируясь на дате и определенных именах. В комплекте вы найдете мощную и удобную программу для составления расписаний и задач с возможность уведомлений на E-Mail. Программа может реагировать на большое количество данных и значений.


  • Simple User Interface helps you transfer files interactively; but the Goal is to let you create advanced automated SFTP and FTP tasks. The tasks can be scheduled to run automatically, or can be run manually.
  • Automate Secure FTP to/from an intranet or internet server. Schedule FTP of files between your PC and the server, and automatically rename the files based on current month, day or time, if needed. Secure FTP supports wildcards (*). Transfer multiple files at once. Supports subdirectory transfers.
  • Scheduler software is easy to use, yet has very powerful scheduling, tasking and automation capabilities.
  • FTP Command task can run RFC FTP commands in sequence.
  • Email notification of task failure based on task exit code.
  • Remote FTP directory monitor can detect directory change and trigger the tasks, such as: FTP , zip, copy, delete. It can detect file size, total number of files, file modification dates and trigger other tasks, if required.
  • Local directory monitor works similar to the Remote FTP directory monitor.
  • Zip files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename, for archive purposes.
  • Copy files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
  • Delete files on a schedule based on wildcards.
JaSFtp 9.14

Technical Information:

  • Support for both SSH protocols, SSH1 and SSH2
  • SFTP transfer protocols supported
  • Password, Public key authentication
  • 3DES, DES & Blowfish ciphers
  • Optional Twofish, AES & CAST ciphers
  • Stateful decryption counter (SDCTR) mode cipher for AES
  • SHA1, MD5 Message Authentication Codes (MACS)
  • RSA, DSA public/private key file generation, in SSHTools, OpenSSH and SSH1 formats
  • Supports reading of PuTTY and SSH.com public/private keys
  • Public key subsystem
  • ZLIB compression
  • SSH2 custom channels
  • HTTP, SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 proxy support
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 Key Exchange

ОС: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7

Что нового в этой версии:

  • BUGFIX: Ftp and SFtp tasks Array variable ::TransferredFiles was not reset before each run, causing the variable to contain all files ever transferred in all previous runs.
  • BUGFIX: Copy task Array variable ::CopiedFiles was not reset before each run, causing the variable to contain all files ever copied in all previous runs.
  • BUGFIX: Windows launchers did not correctly set 'Run as Admin' on some systems, causing launchers to fail.


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Bukkollaider 11/03/12 Просмотров: 3500