Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise Edition
Remote Desktop Manager – это небольшое приложение для контроля за удаленными соединениями. С программой Remote Desktop Manager вы сможете добавить, редактировать, удалить, систематизировать или быстро найти удаленное соединение. Утилита совместима с Microsoft Remote Desktop или с Terminal Services, очень простая в использовании, но в то же время достаточно мощная и эффективная. Remote Desktop Manager подойдет для любого пользователя.
Основные особенности:
- Крошечный размер файла.
- Легко инсталлируется, удобна в использовании, не имеет ничего лишнего.
- Добавляет имя, изображение и описание в вашу конфигурацию.
- Сидит в системном трее и работает, когда вы скажете, быстрый доступ к функционалу программы.
- Поддержка специального расширения файлов удаленного рабочего стола - .rdp.
- Поддержка Microsoft Remote Desktop и Microsoft Terminal Services
- Возможность применения поисковых фильтров.
- Автозагрузка вместе с запуском системы.
- Автоматическое обновление.
- Симпатичный пользовательский интерфейс с поддержкой смены скинов и стилей.
What's New in This Release:
- Added Ctrl click to collapse panel on connect
- Added Remote Desktop Manager Online support
- Added a copy context menu in the detail grid
- Added a data source settings to disable the offline mode for all users
- Added a double click in the dashboard icon to edit the current session
- Added a green star when the session is a local and a shared favorite
- Added a keywords field
- Added a menu to export the host list in cvs
- Added a new collapse button for the session
- Added a new field domain in the session information
- Added a new filter options
- Added a new session menu to save a session as a template
- Added a new variable $MACHINE_DOMAIN$
- Added a reconnect menu in the session list
- Added a specific icon when an addon is not found
- Added an new event option to prompt a message before a connection
- Added an option to collapse the session list on open embedded
- Added an option to confirm close when there is an opened session
- Added an option to hide the tree explorer in embedded Windows Explorer
- Added an option to prompt for offline mode at startup
- Added an option to show the overflow of opened session (tabstrip)
- Added another params value for VMware vSphere
- Added auto select added user in security windows
- Added auto select added user in security windows
- Added basic support for VisionApp Remote Desktop .vrb file
- Added choose connection type in Team Viewer
- Added credentials repository support to all session type with user name and password
- Added duplicate datasource
- Added edit support for sub session in tree view
- Added minimal version verification in data source settings
- Added more details for the parameter column in list view
- Added ping and some other tools support for Putty configured with a session
- Added support for $PARENT_NAME$, $PARENT_HOST$ and $HOST$ variables in the session name
- Added support to user specific settings for more types (FTP, Putty, VMware, Citrix ...)
- Added the new security model with passphrase or basic encryption in the database
Added an option in the registry to specify the path for the option:
- [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RemoteDesktopManager]
- "OptionPath"="%AppData%\\RemoteDesktopManager"
- Batch credential edit now support the repository
- Better encryption of the offline file
- Expanded the destination node on drag and drop
- Fixed a $PARENT_HOST$ problem with the VMware connection type
- Fixed a bug in the SDK with NotifyEmbeddedModeChanged
- Fixed a bug with export of .RDP file and DirectX
- Fixed a bug with SQL Server (The login already has an account under a different user name)
- Fixed a bug with ghost group in drag and drop
- Fixed a bug with link clicked in text opened externally
- Fixed a bug with rdm shortcut on the desktop
- Fixed a bug with the SQL Data source and advanced settings
- Fixed a bug with the Show Only Favorites in Trayicon and user favorites
- Fixed a bug with the application tool addon
- Fixed a bug with the bach edit and the sub connections
- Fixed a bug with the close VPN disabled in the dashboard
- Fixed a bug with the double click in embedded Windows Explorer
- Fixed a bug with the embedded session tools add-on
- Fixed a bug with the localized Windows and Putty sessions
- Fixed a bug with trayicon and duplicate groups
- Fixed a crash with Ctrl-Enter on empty group
- Fixed a minimize / restore menu problem in the trayicon
- Fixed a possible problem with a space in password for VMware
- Fixed a possible problem with password in Putty (quotes)
- Fixed a possible problem with the log in offline mode
- Fixed a too restrictive security problem in offline mode
- It's not possible for an AddOn to support more than one type (import, session, application tools...)
- It's now possible to specify a different name than the host in the bulk import
- It's now possible to use Add / Remote local favorite for a readonly user
- It's now possible to use Batch Edit User Specific Settings for a readonly user
- It's now possible to use User Specific Settings for a readonly user
- Minor UI fixes and enhancements
- Removed the warning message when batch editing different type of session
- The user specific settings are now applied after the credential manager
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Bukkollaider 30/11/10 Просмотров: 2319
Кто юзал? интересует как она работает с сервером терминалом......