FL Studio 8 XXL Producer Edition

FLstudio - это самый известный и популярный музыкальный редактор-секвенсор для написания музыки. Главная составляющая проекта композиции - генератор. Генератор синтезирует или воспроизводит звук.Генераторов в проекте композиции может быть неограниченное количество.Каждый генератор обладает своими уникальными настройками, уникальным звуком. Для генераторов программируются нотные партитуры. Партитуры во FruityLoops имеют конечную длину. Кусочки партитур (паттерны)складываются в последовательности (располагаются в нужном порядке в списке воспроизведения). Звук каждого генератора может быть обработан при помощи множества подключаемых эффектов.

Что нового в версии 8.0.0 (09/02/2008):
- New Slicex drumloop slicing generator plugin.
- New SynthMaker modular environment.
- FL finally supports MIDI SysEx input, and handles basic MMC functions.
- Added error message at startup when MMX or SSE1 is not found.
- Cleartype not forced on anymore for mixer labels for Win9X platforms.
- Right-clicking splitters (browser, piano roll, playlist) for spare position.
- Project browser: can show/hide plugin editors from the generators/effects folders.
- Generator smart disable is now compatible with threaded rendering.
- Added mouse wheel support to popup menus & combo selectors.
- Added some extra mouse buttons support.
- Added (manual) plugin editor thumbnails to project browser.
- Sinc interpolator now faster (64point sinc now usable realtime).
- New slope modes for LP/HP/LS/Peak/HS bands in Parametric EQ 2 plugin.
- New 'multilink' option for quicker remote control assignment, creation of multiple automation clips, etc.
- Added 'Edit whole mapping' to Remote control part of the project browser.
- Optional stereo waveform display in playlist.
- Re-implemented CME UF keyboard support (although MIDI feedback sometimes makes no sense).
- Parameter smoothing now works for relative knobs or other incremental MIDI controls too.
- Improved parameter smoothing.
- Can now define absolute increment steps in MIDI remote control window.
- Playlist->Edit->Shift left/right now works for audio clips too (including using control surface jogs).
- Added full support for the Mackie Control Universal.
- Improved support for some controllers.
- Improved 'undo knob tweaks' to support tweaking several parameters at once without slowing down.
- Love Philter: piano keys assigned to patterns.
- Tweaking controls on VST(i)s now show a hint message in FL's hint bar (when possible).
- Wave Candy: fixed some bugs & added Vista window background blur.
- Updated to LAME 3.97.
- Improved latency compensation 'Set from' option.
- Rendering with latency compensation.
- Added slip editing in playlist clips, as well as little changes in resizing tools.
- Improved accuracy of MIDI input recording under high GUI CPU load.
- Can now move effect slots around using the mouse wheel.
- FL (& some FL plugins) now support .ogg format.
- Introducing 'Selected' mixer track, to which the selected mixer track is routed, and in which you place visual effects or a recording Edison.
- Ctrl+E to quickly open an audio editor in a mixer track, or Shift+E to open an audio logger.
- Added score logging feature, not to miss scored played while testing.
- Piano roll: added 'Select at random' to select 10% random notes, for variations.
- Playlist: clip source selection now in titlebar, and clips panel now on top by default.
- One-click audio recording now prompts to record in Edison.
- Improved RAM usage meter for some systems.
- Can now resize multiple playlist clips at once.
- Caps lock function changed to allow resizing of notes from left side in piano roll.
- Added recording filter (right-click record button).
- Newbie enhancement: snapping is on by default.
- Newbie enhancement: browser snapshot now defaults to slot 1.
- Newbie enhancement: window menu icons replaced by holly down arrows.
- New spectral view in monitor panel.
- DrumSynth: added call to SendPatchToEngine to Voice_Release, to temporarily fix a release problem when multiple voices are active
- Automation now displayed in pattern clips, improved event editor display.
- Channels in piano roll channel selector are now sorted by channel group.
- New list of available patterns when right-clicking the pattern selector.
- Patterns named '-pattern name' now act as separators in lists.
- Added OGG Vorbis rendering target.
- Added randomize & humanize to multilink menu.
- Default audio device changed to ASIO4ALL.
- Newly-recorded patterns now added as pattern clips (when in song mode).
- Fruity DX10: mod init and sustain calculations now also take samplerate into account
- Changed piano roll keyboard modifiers a little (see help file) to add a new SHIFT+click to add note in resize mode.
- Added 'Send previous/next to selected channel' option in browser. Works well with extra mouse buttons too.
- Default peak meters scale bottom changed to -70dB, alternate scale down to -50dB.
- Introducing FL-chan in wallpapers.
- Newbie enhancement: 'save as' icon blinks once 5min after the last save, then each 30sec after 10min.
- Changed generator multithreaded processing method a little.
- Adapted wav file loader for more bad interpretations of a bad format.
- Mapped incoming "all notes off" MIDI message to panic.
- Removed obsolete '16.8' version of the 32Bit wav rendering.
- EQ, blur & reverb tools now remember their envelope editor settings.
- unselects when live selection is too short (<150ms), and added live selection as published parameter.
- new fancy waveform display mode, and option to export display to bitmap file.
- added stereo waveform display.
- new slave sync, pause button, transport active when not playing, support for control surfaces and keyboard input (to slice or for sampler preview).
- can now link notes to markers/regions (for use in Fruity Slicer).
- added "Undo mix (spectral)" and "Paste mix (spectral)" features.
- added keyboard (to note or to slice) preview.
- added 'quick rename (all)' option to rename all regions to drum names.
- Edison & Sytrus now captionize themselves when starting a sample drag.
- new Tools->Send to playlist as audio clip, to send the clip to the playlist at selection, linked to the same mixer track as Edison.
- new drum(loop) stretching tool (& paste replace (drum)), with improved gaps filling.
- CTRL+DRAG drums from one instance to another, to replace drums in a loop with drums from another loop.
- slide option now works on markers/regions too.
- hold right-shift to move markers more accurately (temporary zoom).
- New phase editing feature in Edison's EQ.
- Added middle note & score detection
- Improved smoothness when recording for several minutes
- new 'dual view' mode showing both waveform & spectrum.
- added tools->sequencing->send to selected channel, to quickly send audio to the selected channel without dragging (mainly for Fruity Slicer).
- Changed spectral display's windowing to Kaiser.
- new support for region types, and grid aligned to first downbeat marker.
- new tempo detector that gives better results for fixed-tempo songs.
- added 'Time format' menu to display time regardless of the grid mode.
- fixed scroller freeze issue
- edit string dialog now pops up on correct screen
- "send value" for patch control no longer generates an exception
- messages are no longer added to a buffer to be sent during processing
- invalidate synthpanel on resize, to avoid graphical glitch when resizing the editor with "Show window contents while dragging" off in Windows
- mouse wheel now changes pad
- some cosmetic changes
- pan envelope is now bipolar
- fixed some save dialog glitches.
- fixed envelope handling.
- added wave preview in open dialog.
- small UI changes
- better behaviour when samples are missing
- changed direction for changing pads from mouse wheel
- fixed midi loop loading, it now takes into accounts the steps per beat
Video Player:
- do nothing in TVideoViewer.AcceptMediaSample to prevent creeping cpu usage
- moved position updates from Process to Idle function, to save some cpu usage
- detached video will now keep playing if the plugin editor window is hidden
- added "Ignore tempo changes" option
- fix to prevent rising cpu usage.
- "render fast" is now the default
Fruity Wrapper:
- "Export all programs as Cubase presets" saved the current program in every file
- fixed new implementation of ProcessParam to avoid "integer overflow" exception when adding an automation clip
- added hint when plugin parameter changes
- some fixes in ProcessParam
- now flushes plugin (inactive/active) in the PlugIOChanged callback
- don't send "all note off" message for effects
- the fixed size output buffer for effects are now initialized to zero before processing
- now call AllocBuffers when the blocksize changes
- renamed menu items for saving/loading fst and fxb files to "VST" instead of "Cubase"
- added "Send note off velocity" option
- implemented support for sysex messages sent by the plugin (untested)
- let FL re-read key names when updateDisplay message is received from VST plugin
- fixed bug showing save program dialogs
- added file compatibility options to (global) options dialog
- "gain" control on zone tab now defaults to 0.0dB again
- "gain" control on zone tab is now multiplied to the volume instead of added
- updated downloader implementation
- double-click on zone (or zone index) now opens sample tab
- now need to right-click on sample scroll bar to zoom
- fixed drag&drop crash
- made library scan (for popup menu) a lot faster
- fixed browser resizing from config dlg
- fixed behaviour of browser expansion with multiple instances
- changed volume and velocity implementation
- re-implemented soundfont support, now supports 24bit soundfonts
- fixed resizing in FL version, made it more spec-compliant in VSTi version
- some VST specific improvements
- fixed crash in VSTi when opening/closing browser because of incorrect FL version check
- effect switches on the zone page now also act according to the "global" switch
- improved demo mode save/restore for VSTi version
- fixed window size bug (browser open/closed) when opening editor
- fixed ogg import, made it use 32bit float samples instead of 16bit int
- restructured files, recompiled
- fixed "full range" behaviour for selectors
(Bug)fixes :
- Bugfix in envelope point snapping.
- Bugfix in Sytrus unison sub.
- Little bugfix in Edison's looping tool & trimming option.
- Bugfix in stretching engine.
- Bugfix in monophonic mode combined with Fruity Slicer plugin.
- Fixed weird bug importing corrupted playlist data from FL6 projects.
- Fixed keystrokes not getting to FL when mixer was detached & focused.
- Fixed strange bug with ASIO.
- Fixed little bug when reordering mixer tracks.
- Fixed crash when closing FL while project browser was open.
- Fixed tiny browser bug.
- Fixed bug in WaveShaper & Sytrus bipolar to unipolar mapping conversion.
- Fixed thread-locking issue with multiple smoothed up remote control combined with visible project browser and knob tweak undo enabled.
- Bugfix: quick quantize no longer resizes playlist clips.
- Fixed rare arpeggiator bug.
- Fixed problem loading some VST 2.4 plugins.
- Little bugfix in Sytrus envelope release combined with sustain level.
- Fixed crash in Vista when Data Execution Prevention is on
- Fixed some possible deadlocks when MIDI-controlling parameters.
- Fixed little bug in Fruity Slicer's note dump.
- Fixed little problem in MIDI input window.
- Fixed big bug in wav file loader when regions have comments.

10 years - anniversary!
Скачать FL Studio 8 XXL Producer Edition v8.0.0 (88 МБ):
jurassic 08/03/08 Просмотров: 3976
Покажите, где официально написано, что это бета. В сети считают, что это RC2, но подтверждений этому тоже нет. А в примечаниях к релизу не указано ничего подобного.
если 15 марта лицензия не слетит с этой версии, значит не бета.